Donate to the Maryland House & Garden Pilgrimage
Dear Preservation Champions, Benefactors, Patrons and Friends of the Maryland House and Garden Pilgrimage,
The Central Committee of the Maryland House and Garden Pilgrimage (MHGP) is once again planning
tours around the state to provide an exciting 2025 spring tour season. This selection of Maryland
counties will feature tours of distinction with many beautiful and historic homes and gardens for the
enjoyment of our pilgrims. We would like to offer you the opportunity to join us in the work of historic
preservation around the state of Maryland. The spring tours of 2024 allowed us to distribute over $116,000 to
important projects preserving and highlighting pieces of Maryland history, a record amount for our organization. We offer our grateful thanks for your past support and hope you will continue to help us further our goals in the coming year.
We are pleased to announce our 2025 tours:
Saturday, May 3 - Queen Anne's County
Saturday, May 10 - Southern Anne Arundel County
Saturday, May 31 - St. Mary's County
Saturday, June 7 - Washington County
Saturday, June 14 - Prince George's County
This year we are offering five levels of giving:
Preservation Champion: $500 - Two passes for all five tours, a 2025 Tour Book and your name as a Preservation Champion in the tour book.
Benefactor: $350 - One pass for all five tours, a 2025 Tour Book and your name as a Benefactor in the tour book.
Patron: $150 - Two single-day passes and your name as a Patron in the tour book.
Friend: $75 - Your name as a Friend in the tour book.
Preservation Champions and Benefactors will be mailed a tour book with their tickets ahead of the tours.
Patrons will be mailed their tickets ahead of the tours.
We are already planning the 2026 tours in anticipation of a joyous celebration of our country's 250th celebration of the Declaration of Independence. Maryland was the home of four of the signers, William Paca, Samuel Chase and Thomas Stone, and the last living signer, Charles Carroll of Carrollton who lived until 1832. It should be an exciting year.
We thank you, in advance, for your continued support of the Maryland House and Garden Pilgrimage.
Kind regards,
Laura E. Zimmermann, Chair
Central Committee, Maryland House and Garden Pilgrimage
One time
For donations of $75 or more, how do you wish to be listed in the 2025 Tour Book?